This section is a work-in-progress. I am trying to come up with a list of fifty knots to suggest to scouts as a way to expand their knotting repertoire. I am not entirely happy with this list, so would welcome suggestions as to what to add, and what to drop.

Each knot is followed by a reference to one of the books in the bibliography, showing how to tie it. This does not mean that it is the only place to find that knot, or even the best description of it, just that it was the first book I picked up with it shown. "Pawson" refers to Des Pawson's The Handbook of Knots, "Morrow" refers to The Morrow Guide to Knots, and "Budworth" is Geoffrey Budworth, with CBK being The Complete Book of Knots, CBDK being The Complete Book of Decorative Knots, and CBSK being The Complete Book of Sailing Knots.

  1. 3 Lead x 4 Bight Turk's Head (Budworth, CBDK, pp 86-87,
    or see my section on it)
  2. 4 Lead x 3 Bight Turk's Head (Budworth, CBDK, pp 90-91)
  3. Alpine Butterfly (Linesman's Loop) (Pawson, p 105)
    A secure loop in the middle of a line.
  4. Anchor (Fisherman's) Bend (Pawson p 81)
    A secure attachment to a ring or pole
  5. Angler's (Perfection) Loop (Pawson p 116)
    A good loop knot for slippery rope or bungee cord
  6. Ashley's Stopper Knot (Budworth, CBK, p 32)
    A bulky stopper knot for the end of a rope. It is far easier to tighten than the Stevedore's Knot
  7. Ashley's Bend (Pawson, p 69)
  8. Blood Knot (Pawson, p 119)
  9. Boa Knot (Pawson, p 59)
    A decorative and easy to tie alternative to a clove hitch
  10. Bowline on a Bight (Pawson, p 112)
    A clasic two-loop bowline tied in a bight
  11. Buntline Hitch (Pawson, p 80)
    A very secure, but occasionally difficult to untie, hitch
  12. Carrick Bend (Pawson, p 67)
    A classic Bend, useful in heavy cable, and also the start of many decorative knots
  13. Chain Plait (Budworth, CBDK, p 131)
  14. Cleat Hitch (No reference)
    How to tie a line to a cleat on a boat
  15. Constrictor Knot (Pawson, p 57)
    One of the most secure binding knots, especially in small cord or line. After a load, may be very difficult to untie. There are several methods to tie it, one of the easiest is a clove hitch with one extra tuck as show hre.
  16. Double Sheetbend (Pawson, p 66)
    A somewhat more secure version of a sheetbend
  17. Figure Eight Knot (Pawson, p 30)
    Classic stopper knot for the end of a rope, to prevent it slipping through an opening
  18. Figure Eight Loop (Pawson, p 108)
    An easy to tie (and check) single loop knot alternative to a bowline
  19. Fireman's Chair Knot (Budworth, CBK, pp148-149)
  20. Fisherman's Knot (Pawson, p 70)
    A secure bend for small stuff, such as fishing line.
  21. Heaving Line Bend (Budworth, CBSK, p 92)
  22. Highwayman's Hitch (Pawson, p 85)
  23. Hunter's Bend (Pawson, p 68)
    A good bend for slippery rope or bungee cord, with a fascinating history
  24. Icicle Hitch (Budworth, CBK, pp 70-71)
  25. Jug Sling (Budworth, CBK, pp 80-81)
  26. Killick Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 47)
    A more secure version of a timber hitch, used when attaching a rope to a log or pole to drag
  27. Knife Lanyard Knot (Budworth, CBDK, pp 48-49)
    A decorative knot used to bring together two lines of a lanyard
  28. Lighterman's Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 54-55)
  29. Manharness Knot (Budworth, CBK, p 63)
    Used to put a loop in a line to add a handle or grip for pulling
  30. Marlinspike Hitch (Pawson, p 84)
    An extremely useful knot for temporarily attaching a rope or line to a marlinspike or other object, to provide a good grip for pulling or adding tension. Disappears when the central object is removed.
  31. Midshipman's Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 65)
    This is similar to what scout's call a Tautline Hitch, and others call a Rolling Hitch, except that the second turn is jammed inside the first, to increase friction. This name has confusingly been used for a variety of knots.
  32. Monkey's Paw (Fist) (Pawson, p 34)
    Used to put a weight on the end of a line for heaving, or as a decoration
  33. Mooring Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 46)
  34. Pole Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 74)
    A very useful knot for bundling a set of poles
  35. Portuguese Bowline (Pawson, p 113)
    Classic two-loop version of a bowline, loops are related such that when one gets shorter, the other lengthens
  36. Prusik Knot (Pawson, p 98)
    Attaches smaller cord or tape to a larger rope, providing a handhold or attachment point.
  37. Rolling Hitch (Morrow, p 62)
    Some sources use the word name "Rolling Hitch" to mean what the scouts call a taut-line hitch. Others (including me) to refer to a similar method of attaching a small rope to a larger line, spar, or pole. Pawson shows this with the second turn jammed inside the first, as in the Midshipman's Hitch.
  38. Seizing Bend (Budworth, CBK, p 42)
    Based on the seizings used in lashings, to join line when one is much smaller than the other. For clarity the animation shows four turns, more would be better. For extra security, finish with a bowline in the small line.
  39. Slipped Sheet Bend (Budworth, CBK, p 40, see illustration 4)
    An easy to untie modification of a sheetbend
  40. Snuggle Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 50)
    A more secure alternative to a Clove Hitch or Rolling Hitch
  41. Spanish Bowline (Pawson, p 114)
    Classic two-loop version of a bowline, the loops are dependent, but splayed.
  42. Surgeon's Knot (Pawson, p 51)
    A secure bundling knot. Variation of the reef knot that will not slip as it is being tied
  43. Tarbuck Knot (Budworth, CBK, p 67)
    A close relative of the Tautline. Favored by climbers.
  44. Three Strand Braid (Pawson, p 124)
    Classic version of a braid, decorative or useful for shortening a rope.
  45. Triple Bowline (Budworth, CBK, pp 92-93)
    Classic three loop version of a bowline, tied on a bight.
  46. Trucker's Hitch (Budworth, CBK, p 78)
    Used to easily cinch down a load or bundle tied on top of a truck or other platform.
  47. Twin Splayed Loops (3 Part Crown Loop) (Morrow, pp 94-95)
    A strong and decorative two-loop knot, which might be difficult to untie after a heavy load, however the loops are independent and won't slip one to another.
  48. Two-Turn Bowline (Pawson p 107)
    A version of the bowline which greatly reduces any possibility of capsizing, making a great knot even safer.
  49. Zeppelin Bend (Budworth, CBK, p 44)
    Another very secure bend for joining two lines.
  50. Zig-Zag Braid (Budworth, CBDK, p 138)
    A very useful braid for two lines. In thick hard line, as in the animation, it is lumpy and not too pleasant, but in very fine line it has a pleasing texture, and in soft stuff such as paracord takes on a smooth characteristic.

Again, I welcome suggestions for additions and deletions to this list. Please feel free to email me with them.

To my chagrin, several sites link directly to this page rather than the root of my knotting site. If you reached this page from a link or search, you may
get to my entire knotting site here,
for animations, bibliographies, knotting knives, links, and more.

Last updated 28 April 2003. © 2002-2006 Alan L. Folsom, Jr.