animated reef knot

Welcome to my knotting page

I'm hoping to add various resources for knot tying, particularly oriented at the scouts. In my time as a scout leader, I was surprised at how little ability not only my troop, but most of them in the area, had in knotting. With luck, these pages will be one step in helping to encourage them, and others, to expand their skills.

The pages on the basic knots and Turkshead contain a lot of pictures, and may take some time to load. Please be patient!

Any suggestions can be e-mailed to me at For other links, including the troop web page, go to my own home page at

Note that this is not an official site of the Boy Scouts of America. What appears here is my own, and not necessarily endorsed by the BSA.

IGKT logo
If you reached this page from a link or search and don't see a navigation frame on the left, you may get to my entire knotting site here, Where the useful information is!

Latest Update:

25 July 2004
Alright! all 50 states in the guestbook. I guess it is fitting that it happened while I was at summer camp with my troop...!
17 July 2004
49 States in the guestbook. Come on, Someone in Hawaii must need to know some knots!
27 October 2003
Not really an update, but I just took an extended look at the guestbook, and wanted to thank all my visitors for their comments, it is very gratifying. I was also stunned to find visitors from 26 countries, the District of Columbia, and 45 46 states! (I guess the scouts in Hawaii, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota and Wyoming know their knots already!). Thanks, folks!

Update History

Last Updated 27 October 2003. Valid HTML 4.01! © 2002 - 2004 Alan L. Folsom, Jr.
Our addresses